
Clyde May

ASNT - The American society for Nondestructive Testing president.

Currently serving Varex Industrial Imaging as president of their VMI business unit for industrial imaging solutions, May has served in the NDT industry and has been an active ASNT member for over 40 years. He has built his technical and business acumen through his experience at commercial testing labs such as Huntington Testing, Cooperheat-MQS, Code Services, and Mistras Group to working on NDE technology and equipment OEMs such as VMI and Varex Industrial Imaging.

In addition to his current ASNT NDT Level III certifications, May has held previous certificates from the American Petroleum Institute and the American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector. In addition to spending more than 30 years as a hands-on NDE practitioner and radiation safety officer, May has held numerous Principal Level III and corporate management positions.

He has written numerous papers and presented at both local and national Society meetings. He is a voting member of several ASTM E07 committees, as well as API 1104 subcommittees on radiography and NDT. May is also actively involved in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, currently serving as a member of the Section V Standard Committee, as well as a member of various working groups.